Argosy, n. Carack, galleon.
Argue, v. n.
1. Reason, plead, offer reasons, use arguments. 2. Dispute, debate, chop logic, try conclusions, bandy words or arguments, hold or carry on an argument. Argue, v. a.
1. Show, indicate, evince, denote, imply, infer, betoken, prove. 2. Debate, discuss, sift, contest, controvert, moot, reason upon. Arguer, n. Reasoner, debater, controversialist, disputant, disputer.
Argument, n.
1. Reason, ground, proof, evidence, reasoning, chain of reasoning, process of reasoning. 2. Controversy, dispute, disputation, discussion, debate. 3. Subject, topic, matter, theme, thesis, question, subject-matter, matter in hand 4. Summary, abstract, epitome, outline, general contents. Argumentation, n. Reasoning, ratiocination, process of reasoning.
Argumentative, a.
1. Containing argument, concerned with argument, for advocacy, apologetic. 2. Controversial, polemical. 3. Disputatious, given to controversy, addicted to argument. Argus-eyed, a. Vigilant, watchful, alert, all-observant, discerning, perspicacious, sharp-sighted, quick-
sighted, lynx-eyed, hawk-eyed.
Arid, a.
1. Dry, dried up, parched with heat, parched, unfertile, barren, sterile. 2. Dry, uninteresting, dull, pointless, jejune, unsuggestive, barren, infecund.