Ashore, ad.
1. On shore, on land. 2. To the shore. 3. Aground, not afloat. 4. (Colloq.) Stranded, aground, in difficulties, run out, come to grief, hard up. Ashy, a.
1. Cineraceous, cineritious, cinereous, favillous, like ashes. 2. Pale, pallid, whitish, gray, ash-colored, cineraceous, cineritious, cinereous. See ashen, 2. Asiatic cholera. Spasmodic or malignant cholera, cholera asphyxia.
Aside, ad.
1. Laterally, to the side, to one side, on one side. 2. Away, off, out of mind, out of thought, out of the heart, out of the character. 3. Out of the straight course, out of the true course. 4. Apart, separately, away, aloof. As if, As though.
Asinine, a. Of an ass, ass-like.
2. Doltish, stupid, blockish, foolish, senseless, dullard, duncical, duncish, dunderheaded, thick headed,
thick-skulled, muddle-brained. As it were. So to speak, as it would seem, as it seems.
Ask, v. a.
1. Question, interrogate, inquire of, put the question to. 2. Inquire, make inquiry about, seek information regarding.