Assurance, n.
1. Assuredness, security, certainty, conviction, persuasion, pledge of certainty, ground of confidence,
surety. 2. Promise, engagement, pledge, word of honor. 3. Protestation, asseveration, averment, earnest or solemn declaration. 4. Intrepidity, courage, confidence, firmness, self-reliance. 5. Arrogance, boldness, effrontery, brass, impudence, impertinence, presumption, face, front. 6. (Law.) Insurance. Assure, v. a.
1. Make certain or sure, free from doubt or uncertainty. 2. Embolden, encourage, enhearten, hearten, make confident. 3. Declare to (confidently and earnestly), vouch to, vow to, protest to, aver to, solemnly promise, pledge,
guarantee, warrant. 4. (Law.) Insure, agree to indemnify for loss, secure against loss. Assured, a.
1. Certain, indubitable, unquestionable. 2. Confident, sure, secure, unquestioning, sanguine. 3. (Law.) Insured. Assuredly, ad. Certainly, indubitably, undoubtedly, unquestionably, truly, surely, sure, without doubt.
Assuredness, n. See assurance, 1.
Asteism, n. Genteel irony, polite banter or raillery, delicate ridicule.
Asterisk, n. Star (in printing).