2. Tarnish, stain, blot, sully, spot, blemish. Blush, v. n. Redden (in the cheeks), color.
Blush, n. Reddening (of the cheeks), suffusion of the face.
Bluster, v. n.
1. Roar (as the wind), make a loud noise. 2. Vapor, swagger, bully, vaunt, swell, domineer, gasconade, play the bully. See boast. 3. Make a great ado, make much ado about nothing. Bluster, n.
1. Boisterousness, noise, tumult, turbulence. 2. Boasting, swaggering, bullying, blattering, vaporing, gasconade, fanfaronade. 3. Great ado, much ado about nothing Blusterer, n. Swaggerer, bully, boaster, braggart, vaunter, roisterer, huff, braggadocio, drawcansir, fire-
eater, fanfaron, noisy fellow, bouncer (colloq.).
Blustering, a.
1. Windy, stormy, tempestuous, squally, gusty, tumultuous, turbulent, noisy, roaring. 2. Swaggering, boasting, bragging, braggart, blattering, pompous, assuming, important, arrogant, swelling,
big, bullying, vaporing, self-sufficient. Board, n.
1. Plank (thin). 2. Table (for food). 3. Food, diet, provision, fare, victuals, entertainment, meals 4. Conclave, council, committee.