2. Carcass, corpse, dead body. 3. Visible form or frame. 4. Trunk (as distinguished from the limbs), stem, bole. 5. Bulk, main part (as distinguished from subordinate parts), greater part. 6. Person, being, individual, mortal, creature. 7. Company, band, party, coterie, society, association, corporation. 8. System, summary, general collection. 9. Consistency, thickness, substance. Body-coat, n. Dress-coat.
Botian, a.
1. Of Botia, from Botia. 2. Dull, heavy, befogged. See stupid. Bog, n. Morass, quagmire, slough, fen, marsh, swamp, moss.
Bog-berry, n. Cranberry (Oxycoccus palustris).
Bogey, Bogy, n. Hobgoblin, bugaboo.
Boggle, v. n.
1. Hesitate, vacillate, waver, falter, demur, shrink, hang back, shrink back, hang fire, be in suspense. 2. Dissemble, play fast and loose, shuffle. Bogtrotter, n. [In derision] Irishman.
Boil, v. n.
1. Be agitated by heat, be in ebullition. 2. Be in violent agitation, seethe, foam, froth.