Broach, v. a.
1. Pierce, tap, set running, open (for the first time). 2. Open (a subject), suggest, hint, approach one on, break. 3. Utter, publish, proclaim, give out. Broached, a. Tapped, abroach, on tap.
Broad, a.
1. Wide. 2. Large, ample, extensive, expanded, extended, vast, wide-reaching, spacious, capacious. 3. Liberal, uncontracted, large, large-minded, enlarged, hospitable, tolerant, free from narrowness. 4. Spread, diffused, open. 5. Gross, indelicate, vulgar, indecent, unrefined, coarse. Broaden, v. a. Widen, make broad, enlarge, liberalize.
Broadside, n.
1. Cannonade (from all the guns on the side of a ship). 2. Placard, bill, poster, hand-bill. Brochure, n. [Fr.] Pamphlet.
Brock, n. Badger, bawson, bawsin.
Broil, n. Affray, fray, quarrel, contention, feud. See brawl.
Broken, a.
1. Shattered, shivered, rent, severed, separated. 2. Weakened, impaired, feeble, enfeebled, shattered, shaken, spent, wasted, exhausted. 3. Imperfect, defective, hesitating, stammering, halting, stumbling.