Canting, a.
1. Affected, whining, affectedly pious, sanctimonious. 2. Hypocritical, insincere, hollow. Cantonment, n. Quarters.
Canvass, v. a.
1. Debate, discuss, dispute, agitate. 2. Investigate, examine, scrutinize, sift, study, consider, follow up, inquire into. 3. Bespeak the votes of, solicit votes from. Canvass, n.
1. Discussion, debate, dispute. 2. Examination, scrutiny, sifting. 3. Solicitation of votes. Canyon, n. [Sp. Cañon.] Gorge, ravine, gulch.
Caoutchouc, n. India-rubber, gum-elastic.
Cap, n.
1. Head-cover, head-gear, bonnet, head-dress, coif, coiffure, caul. 2. Cover, covering. 3. Acme, crown, head, summit, pitch, peak, top, chief, perfection. Cap, v. a.
1. Cover, surmount. 2. Crown, complete, finish. 3. Exceed, surpass, transcend, overtop.