2. Centenary, hundred years. Cephalalgia, Cephalalgy, n. (Med.) Headache.
Cere, v. a. Wax, smear with wax.
Cereals, n. pl. Edible grains.
Cerecloth, n. Cerement, graveclothes.
Cerement, n. Cerecloth, graveclothes.
Ceremonial, a. Ritual, formal.
Ceremonial, n.
1. Ritual, rites, system of rites, ritual system. 2. Formalities, established forms, system of ceremonies, etiquette. 3. Grand ceremony, stately rites, prolonged ceremony. Ceremonious, a.
1. Full of ceremony, stately, lofty, courtly. 2. Formal, studied, according to due form, observant of all the punctilios. 3. Formal, punctilious, stiff, precise, starched, observant of conventionalities. Ceremony, n.
1. Rite, form, formality, ceremonial, solemnity, observance. 2. Parade, pomp, show, stateliness. Certain, a.
1. Indubitable, unquestionable, indisputable, undeniable, incontestable, incontrovertible, unquestioned,
undisputed, undoubted, absolute, positive, plain, sure, past dispute, beyond all question, clear as day. 2. Sure, assured, confident, undoubting, fully convinced. 3. Unfailing, infallible, never-failing.