2. Emboss, enchase. Chase, n.
1. Hunting, hunt, field-sport. 2. Pursuit, race. Chase away. Drive away, force away.
Chasm, n. Opening, cleft, fissure, gap, hiatus, cavity, hollow.
Chaste, a.
1. Pure, undefiled, virtuous, pure-minded, modest, continent. 2. Free from impurity, free from obscenity, pure, clean, elevated. 3. Uncorrupt, pure, unaffected, simple, neat free from barbarisms, in good taste, chastened. 4. Refined, elegant, classic. Chasten, v. a.
1. Discipline by affliction, correct, humble, bring low. 2. Purify, refine, render subdued, toned down. Chastening, n. Chastisement, correction, discipline, humbling.
Chastise, v. a.
1. Castigate, punish (with stripes), whip, flog, beat, lash, correct. 2. Punish (by whatever means), correct, chasten, discipline, humble, subdue, bring to duty, render obedient. 3. Repress, restrain, moderate, check, sober, reduce to order, bring under. Chastisement, n. Punishment, chastening, correction.
Chastity, n.
1. Purity, virtue, modesty, pure-mindedness, continence.