7. Accusation, crimination. 8. Cost, expense, outlay, expenditure. 9. Price, sum charged. 10. Onset, onslaught, assault, attack, encounter. 11. (Her.) Bearing. Chargeable, a.
1. Attributable, imputable, referrible, traceable, owing, to be charged, to be ascribed. 2. Liable to be accused. Charger, n.
1. Dish, platter. 2. War-horse. Charily, ad. Cautiously, warily, heedfully, carefully, circumspectly, with caution, with circumspection.
Charitable, a.
1. Benevolent, beneficent, benignant, kind, benign, liberal, bountiful, generous, open-handed. 2. Considerate, lenient, mild, candid. Charity, n.
1. Benevolence, kindness, benignity, tender-heartedness, kind-heartedness, fellow-feeling, good-will,
good-nature, milk of human kindness. 2. Beneficence, liberality, generosity, bounty, humanity, philanthropy, alms-giving, active goodness, doing
of good. 3. Benefaction, gift, alms. Charivari, n. [Fr.] Discordant music, mock serenade.
Charlatan, n. Quack, empiric, mountebank, pretender, impostor, cheat.