Convulsion, n.
1. Spasm, cramp. 2. Agitation, disturbance, tumult, commotion. Cook, v. a.
1. Prepare (food) for the table. 2. Dress up, tamper with, color, give a color to, garble, falsify. Cool, a.
1. Somewhat cold, a little cold, moderately cold, rather cold. 2. Unimpassioned, dispassionate, collected, composed, self-possessed, calm, unruffled, undisturbed,
sedate, unexcited, placid, quiet, staid. 3. Indifferent, unconcerned, lukewarm, cold-blooded. 4. Frigid, chilling, apathetic, freezing, repellent. 5. (Colloq.) Impudent, shameless, selfishly self-possessed. Cool, v. a.
1. Refrigerate, chill, make cool, reduce the heat of. 2. Allay, calm, quiet, temper, attemper, moderate, abate, damp. Cool, v. n.
1. Grow cool, lose heat. 2. Grow lukewarm or indifferent or less furious, lose ardor, be less zealous. Coop, v. a. Confine, cage, incage, imprison, shut up.
Co-operate, v. n.
1. Work together or in unison, take part, act jointly, act in concert.