Corrugate, v. a. Wrinkle, cockle, pucker, contract into wrinkles.
Corrugation, n.
1. Wrinkling, cockling, puckering. 2. Wrinkle, fold, plait. Corrupt, v. a.
1. Putrefy, render putrid. 2. Contaminate, taint, defile, pollute, infect, vitiate, spoil. 3. Deprave, demoralize, vitiate, pervert. 4. Debase, falsify, adulterate, sophisticate. 5. Bribe, entice. Corrupt, a.
1. Corrupted, infected, spoiled, tainted, putrid, contaminated, unsound. 2. Depraved, wicked, vicious, dissolute, profligate, reprobate, abandoned. 3. Open to bribes, given to bribery, dishonest, false to ones trusts. Corruption, n.
1. Putrefaction, putrescence. 2. Defilement, contamination, pollution, infection, vitiation, adulteration, debasement. 3. Depravity, depravation, wickedness, demoralization, immorality, laxity, looseness of morals, want of
principle. 4. Bribery, dishonesty, abuse of public trusts. Corsair, n. Pirate, buccaneer, picaroon, sea-rover, sea-robber.
Corse, n. (Poetical.) Corpse, remains, dead body (of a human being).