Crevice, n. Fissure, chink, rift, gap, cleft, crack, cranny, interstice.
Crew, n.
1. Ships company. 2. Company, gang, band, set, horde, party, throng, mob, crowd. Crib, n.
1. Rack, manger, feeding-place. 2. Bin, bunker. 3. Childs bed. 4. Theft, piece of plunder. 5. (Colloq.) Plagiarism. Crib, v. a.
1. Enclose (as in a crib), cage, encage, confine, imprison, shut up. 2. Pilfer, purloin. Crick, n. Spasm, cramp, convulsion.
Crim. con. Criminal conversation. See adultery.
Crime, n.
1. Felony, aggravated misdemeanor, gross offence (especially against human law), infraction of law. 2. Sin, transgression, iniquity, wickedness, unrighteousness, wrong, delinquency (of a violent or high-
handed nature). Criminal, a.
1. Grossly contrary to law, illegal, felonious, tending to crime, stained by crime. 2. Culpable, guilty, wicked, iniquitous, flagitious.