3. Turbulence, tumultuousness, riotousness. 4. Distemper, complaint, malady, sickness, disease, ail, ailment, indisposition. Disorder, v. a.
1. Derange, disarrange, disturb, discompose, confuse, unsettle, disorganize, upset, throw into confusion,
turn topsy-turvy, put out of place. 2. Impair the functions of, produce disease in. Disorderly, a.
1. Immethodical, irregular, confused, out of order, in bad order. 2. Lawless, rebellious, turbulent, unruly, tumultuous, riotous. Disorganization, n.
1. Disorganizing, deranging, etc. See the verb. 2. Disorder, derangement, confusion. 3. Destruction, dissolution. Disorganize, v. a.
1. Disorder, derange, disarrange, upset, confuse, unsettle, disturb, discompose, put out of order, throw
into disorder. 2. Destroy, break up. Disown, v. a.
1. Disclaim, disavow, repudiate, renounce, reject, cast off, refuse to acknowledge. 2. Deny, disallow, refuse to admit. Disparage, v. a.
1. Depreciate, decry, belittle, undervalue, underrate, underestimate, run down, detract from, derogate