Distrustful, a.
1. Suspicious, doubting, dubious (about), apt to distrust. 2. [With of.] Diffident, not confident. Disturb, v. a.
1. Agitate, shake, stir. 2. Disarrange, derange, disorder, confuse, unsettle, throw into confusion, put into disorder. 3. Molest, annoy, disquiet, vex, ruffle, worry, plague, trouble, incommode. 4. Interrupt, impede, hinder. Disturbance, n.
1. Agitation, derangement, commotion, disorder, confusion, perturbation. 2. Perturbation, excitement, discomposure, annoyance, agitation. 3. Interruption, hindrance, molestation. 4. Tumult, excitement, disorder, riot, émeute, rising, uproar. Disunion, n.
1. Separation, disjunction, severance, disconnection. 2. Schism, breach, rupture, feud. Disunite, v. a.
1. Disjoin, dissociate, separate, sever, dissever, part, divide, detach, sunder. 2. Set at variance, alienate, put discord between, estrange. Disunite, v. n. Part, separate, fall asunder, be separated.