3. (Theol.) Redeemed, predestinated to salvation, saved, chosen to salvation. Election, n.
1. Selection, preference, choice. 2. Appointment by vote. 3. Choice, alternative, liberty, freedom, freewill, power to choose. 4. Discrimination, distinction, discernment. 5. (Theol.) Predestination. Electioneer, v. n. Canvass.
Elective, a.
1. Chosen by election, determined by suffrage, dependent on suffrage. 2. Concerning suffrage, of suffrage. 3. Selective, mutually attractive. Elective franchise. Right of voting, right to vote, right of suffrage.
Elector, n. Voter, constituent.
Electric, a.
1. Charged with electricity. 2. Marked by electricity, relating to electricity. 3. Full of fire or spirit, inspiriting, inspiring, stimulating. 4. Lightning-like, swift and flashing, instantaneous and thrilling, rousing, thrilling, stirring, exciting. Electrify, v. a.
1. Render electric, charge with electricity. 2. Rouse, thrill, excite, stir, enchant.