2. Property, fund, revenue. 3. Talent, faculty, quality, power, ability, capacity, capability, aptitude, parts, genius, qualification, gift. Endue, v. a. [Written also Indue.] Supply, invest, clothe, endow, enrich.
Endurable, a. Tolerable, bearable.
Endurance, n.
1. Bearing, suffering, sufferance, tolerance, toleration. 2. Patience, fortitude, resignation. 3. Continuance, continuation, lastingness, permanence, persistence. Endure, v. a.
1. Bear, sustain, support, bear up under. 2. Suffer, undergo, experience, go through. 3. Brook, tolerate, abide, submit to, put up with, bear with, take patiently or easily. Endure, v. n.
1. Remain, continue, persist, last, abide, be permanent, be durable. 2. Bear, suffer, submit, resign ones self, be patient, take it patiently, take it easily or quietly, not fret
about it. Enema, n. (Med.) Clyster, glyster, injection, lavement.
Enemy, n.
1. Foe, adversary. 2. Opponent, antagonist. 3. [With The prefixed.] Satan, arch-fiend. See devil. Energetic, a. Vigorous, active, forcible, powerful, strong, effective, efficacious, potent.