Estimable, a.
1. Appreciable, calculable, computable, capable of being estimated. 2. Worthy, good, excellent, meritorious, deserving, worthy of regard, deserving of respect or esteem. Estimate, v. a.
1. Value, appraise, rate, prize, esteem, appreciate, set a value on, set a price on. 2. Compute, reckon, count, calculate. Estimate, n.
1. Valuation, estimation. 2. Calculation, computation. Estimation, n.
1. Valuation, appraisement, appreciation, estimate. 2. Judgment, opinion, estimate, esteem. 3. Respect, honor, regard, esteem, reverence, favorable opinion. Estop, v. a. (Law.) Bar, stop, impede, preclude, stop the progress of.
Estoppel, n. Bar, impediment.
Estrange, v. a.
1. Withdraw, withhold, keep away. 2. Divert, alienate, apply to a foreign purpose. 3. Disaffect, alienate, make unfriendly, make disaffected, destroy ones affections, turn away. Estrangement, n.
1. Withdrawal. 2. Disaffection, alienation.