3. Mischievous, hurtful, harmful, injurious, pernicious, destructive, baneful, noxious, deleterious, bad. 4. Unhappy, unfortunate, adverse, unpropitious, disastrous, calamitous, woful, bad. Evil, n.
1. Calamity, ill, woe, misery, pain, suffering, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, reverse. 2. Wickedness, sin, depravity, malignity, wicked disposition, corruption, wrong, viciousness, baseness,
badness. 3. Wrong, injury, mischief, harm. Evil-doer, n. Sinner, criminal, malefactor, culprit, offender, delinquent, wrong-doer.
Evil one. Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Belial, Apollyon, Arch-fiend, the Tempter, the Man of Sin, the Wicked
One, the Old Serpent, the Prince of Darkness, the Foul Fiend, the Enemy. See apollyon.
Evince, v. a.
1. Prove, show, evidence, manifest, establish, make evident, make clear. 2. Exhibit, indicate, manifest, show, display, bring to view. Evincive, a. Demonstrative, indicative, evidential, evidentiary.
Eviscerate, v. a. Disembowel, embowel, paunch, gut, take out the bowels of.
Evoke, v. a.
1. Summon, call forth, call up, summon forth. 2. Excite, arouse, elicit, call out, rouse, provoke. Evolution, n.
1. Evolving, unfolding, expansion, evolvement, development. 2. Descent by continuous differentiation, development, doctrine of development, ascent from simplicity to
complexity. 3. (Mil.) Movement, marching. 4. (Math.) Extraction of roots.