Execute, v. a.
1. Accomplish, effect, effectuate, perform, do, consummate, finish, complete, achieve, carry out, carry
through, carry into effect, work out. 2. Put to death (in pursuance of a judicial sentence). 3. (Law.) Sign, seal, and deliver (as a deed). Execution, n.
1. Performance, operation, accomplishment, achievement, completion, consummation. 2. Effect, something done. 3. Mode of performance. 4. Writ or warrant (for carrying out a judgment or sentence). 5. Capital punishment, punishment of death. 6. Destruction, damage, destructive effect. Executive, a. Executory, charged with execution or carrying into effect.
Executive, n.
1. Chief magistrate, administrative head, head of government, head of affairs, head of the nation. 2. Administration, administrative body, body charged with administration or the execution of the laws. Executory, a.
1. Executive. 2. (Law.) To be executed. Exegesis, n.
1. Exegetics, hermeneutics, science of interpretation. 2. Interpretation, exposition, explanation.