Exotic, Exotical, a. Foreign, extraneous, not indigenous, not native, derived from abroad.
Expand, v. a.
1. Spread, open, unfold, evolve, lay open, spread out. 2. Dilate, distend, swell, fill out, blow up. 3. Extend, stretch, enlarge, increase, diffuse. Expand, v. n.
1. Open, be unfolded, be spread out. 2. Dilate, enlarge, be distended, increase in bulk. Expanse, n.
1. Extent, expansion, stretch, expanded surface. 2. [With The.] Firmament, sky, welkin, vault, canopy, arch of heaven, arch of the sky. Expansion, n.
1. Expanding, spreading, opening. 2. Dilatation, distension, swelling. 3. Enlargement, increase, diffusion. 4. Extent, expanse, stretch. Expansive, a.
1. Expanding, dilating, tending to expand or be expanded, to dilate or be dilated. 2. Diffusive, pervasive. 3. Wide-reaching, comprehensive, wide-embracing, far-reaching, wide-extending. Ex parte. [L.] One-sided, partisan, one-sidedly, with partisan bias.