11. Be dropped, be uttered carelessly, drop. Fall, n.
1. Descent, dropping. 2. Tumble, falling. 3. Cataract, cascade, waterfall. 4. Extent of descent, amount of fall. 5. Destruction, death, ruin, overthrow, downfall. 6. Degradation, loss of eminence. 7. Apostasy, loss of innocence, lapse, declension, slip, going astray, failure. 8. Diminution, decrease, decline. 9. Sinking (of the voice), cadence, close. 10. Discharge (of a river), emptying, disemboguement. 11. Autumn, fall of the leaf. 12. Declivity, slope, inclination. Fallacious, a.
1. Deceptive, delusive, deceiving, illusive, illusory, misleading, disappointing, false. 2. Sophistical, worthless, paralogistic.