Fail, v. n.
1. Fall short, come short, be insufficient, be deficient, be wanting. 2. Decline, sink, decay, wane, fade, break, give out. 3. Cease, disappear, become extinct, be wanting. 4. Miss, miscarry, be unsuccessful, be frustrated, end in smoke, come to nothing, fall stillborn, flash in
the pan, miss fire, miss stays, fall to the ground. 5. Omit, neglect. 6. Break, become insolvent, become bankrupt, suspend payment. Fail, v. a. Disappoint, be wanting to, not be sufficient for, not answer the expectation of.
Fail, n. [Used only in the expression Without fail.] Omission, neglect, failure, delinquency.
Failing, n.
1. Decline, decay. 2. Miscarriage, failure. 3. Fault, foible, frailty, shortcoming, imperfection, deficiency, defect, weakness, infirmity, weak side, blind
side. 4. Lapse, error, slip. 5. Bankruptcy, insolvency, becoming bankrupt or insolvent. Failure, n.
1. Deficiency, defectiveness, shortcoming. 2. Omission, neglect, fail, non-performance, non-observance. 3. Miscarriage, botch, abortion, ill success, flash in the pan, labor for ones pains, losing game, wild-
goose chase, sleeveless errand. 4. Insolvency, bankruptcy, suspension of payment, failing, becoming bankrupt or insolvent.