Finished, a.
1. Completed, complete, perfect. 2. Polished, perfected, elegant, highly wrought. 3. Experienced, practised, qualified, accomplished, thorough-bred, able, proficient. Finite, a. Bounded, limited, contracted, terminable, conditioned.
Finlander, n. Finn.
Finn, n. Finlander.
Fire, n.
1. Combustion, intense heat. 2. Burning fuel, burning of fuel, heap of burning fuel. 3. Conflagration. 4. Firing, discharge of fire-arms, discharges. 5. Heat, ardor, fervor, impetuosity, violence, force, passion, fervency, intensity, animation, spirit, vigor,
enthusiasm. 6. (Poetical.) Light, lustre, radiance, splendor. 7. Vivacity, inspiration, imagination, imaginativeness, force of sentiment. 8. Torture or death by fire, the stake. 9. Torture, trouble, affliction, persecution, bitter trial. Fire, v. a.
1. Kindle, set on fire. 2. Animate, excite, inspirit, invigorate, kindle, rouse, inflame, stir up. 3. Discharge, fire off.