8. (Com.) Price. 9. (Theol.) Type, emblem, symbol. 10. (Arith.) Digit, number, numeral, character. Figure, v. a.
1. Adorn (with figures), diversify, variegate. 2. Represent, symbolize, signify, typify, be typical of, shadow forth. 3. Imagine, image, conceive, picture, represent, have an idea of. 4. Make a drawing of, make a representation of. 5. Calculate, compute, cipher. Figure, v. n.
1. Appear, act, perform, take or sustain the part of. 2. Make a figure, make a distinguished appearance, be distinguished, be conspicuous. 3. Show off, cut a dash, make a great show, cut a figure. Figure up. (Colloq.)
1. Add, sum up, find the amount of. 2. Calculate, reckon, compute. Figwort, n. Scrophularia.
Filago, n. Cudweed.
Filament, n.
1. Fibre, thread. 2. (Bot.) Tendril, cirrus, fibril.