Flare, v. n.
1. Waver, flicker, flutter, stream broadly sideways, blaze unsteadily. 2. Glare, dazzle, shine forth suddenly, flame, blaze. 3. Widen, widen out, spread outward, flue, splay. Flare, n. Glare, unsteady light.
Flare up. Fly into a passion, get angry, fire up, lose ones temper, boil over with rage.
Flash, n.
1. Momentary blaze, sudden burst of light, gleam, glare. 2. Instant, moment, twinkling, twinkling of an eye. 3. Slang (of thieves and gypsies), cant language. Flash, v. n.
1. Emit a sudden light. 2. Break (forth) suddenly. Flashy, a.
1. Showy, ostentatious, flaunting, gawdy, tawdry, pretentious, tinsel, glittering but superficial. 2. Insipid, tasteless, mawkish, flat, vapid, stale. Flat, a.
1. Level, horizontal, champaign (said of an extent of land). 2. Even, plane, smooth, without prominences. 3. Low, prostrate, level with the ground, laid low. 4. Dull, lifeless, spiritless, unanimated, frigid, tame, prosaic, uninteresting, pointless.