Graze, v. n.
1. Eat grass, feed upon grass. 2. Touch in passing, rub slightly together. Graze, v. a.
1. Feed with grass, pasture. 2. Feed upon, eat grass from. 3. Shave, scrape, skim, touch lightly (in passing over). Grease, n.
1. Unctuous matter (lard, tallow, etc.), fatty or oily substance. 2. (Farriery.) Scratches. Grease, v. a.
1. Smear with grease. 2. Bribe, give a douceur to, corrupt with gifts. Greasy, a. Unctuous, fat, fatty, oily, adipose, sebaceous, oleaginous.
Great, a.
1. Large, big, vast, huge, bulky, ample, immense, gigantic, Herculean, Cyclopean, enormous. 2. Much, excessive, high. 3. Numerous, countless. 4. Considerable, important, weighty. 5. Distinguished, eminent, prominent, exalted, elevated, excellent, noted, illustrious, celebrated, famous,
famed, renowned, far-famed. 6. Grand, august, dignified, noble, majestic, sublime, elevated, lofty, exalted.