Grossness, n.
1. Greatness, bulkiness, bigness. 2. Density, thickness. 3. Coarseness, rudeness, vulgarity, want of refinement, ill-breeding. 4. Indelicacy, impurity, coarseness, licentiousness, sensuality, brutality, bestiality, carnality. Grot, n. Cave, cavern, grotto.
Grotesque, a.
1. Fantastic, fanciful, odd, whim-sical, extravagant, unnatural, wild, strange, bizarre. 2. Ludicrous, absurd, antic, burlesque, ridiculous. Grotesque, n.
1. Capricious arabesque, whim-sical arabesque. 2. Whimsical, fantastic, odd, extravagant, or bizarre figure. Grotto, n. Grot, cave, cavern.
Ground, n.
1. Soil, earth, clod, turf, sod, loam, mould, surface of land. 2. Region, territory, country, land, domain. 3. Estate, acres, field, real property, landed estate. 4. Foundation, support, base, basis, ground-work. 5. Motive, consideration, reason, cause, inducement, account. Ground, v. a.
1. Place on the ground.