Hyemal, a. Brumal, wintry, frosty, icy, cold, chilling.

Hyena, n. Tiger-wolf.

Hygeia, n. (Mythol.) Goddess of health.

Hygiene, n. Hygienics, science of health, sanitary science.

Hygienics, n. Hygiene, science of health, sanitary science.

Hylobate, n. Gibbon, long-armed ape.

Hymen, n.

    1. (Mythol.) God of marriage.
    2. (A nat.) Virginal membrane, maidenhead.

Hymeneal, n. Hymenean, marriage song.

Hymeneal, a. Nuptial, connubial, matrimonial, bridal, conjugal, conjugial.

Hymenean, n. Hymeneal, marriage song.

Hymn, n. Song (of praise), devotional song, spiritual song, sacred song, sacred lyric.

Hyoid bone. (A nat.) Bone of the tongue.

Hyoscyamus, n. Henbane, stinking nightshade.

Hyperbaton, n. (Rhet.) Inversion, transposition of words.

Hyperbole, n. (Rhet.) Exaggeration.

Hyperborean, a.

    1. Most northern, far north.
    2. Very cold, boreal, wintry, hyemal, brumal, frosty, icy, frigid.

Hypercritical, a. Over-critical, captiously critical.

Hypercriticism, n. Captious criticism.

Hypnotic, a. Soporific, somniferous.

Hypnotic, n. Narcotic, soporific, opiate.

Hypnotism, n. Sleepiness, lethargy.

Hypochondria, n. (Med) Melancholy, spleen, vapors, depression, dejection, hypochondriasis, low spirits.

Hypochondriac, n. Seek-sorrow, self-tormentor, victim of melancholy or hypochondria.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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