Incorruptibility, n.
1. Imperishableness, incorruptibleness, incorruption, indestructibility, immortality, deathlessness, perpetuity
of being. 2. Superiority to corruption, unpurchasableness, inflexible honesty, incorruptible integrity. Incorruptible, a.
1. Imperishable, incapable of decay, indestructible, immortal, undying, deathless, everlasting. 2. Of inflexible honesty, not to be bribed. Incorruptibleness, n. See incorruptibility.
Incorruption, n. See incorruptibility, 1.
Increase, v. n.
1. Grow, augment, enlarge, greaten, be augmented, become greater or larger. 2. Multiply, be fruitful. Increase, v. a.
1. Augment, enlarge, greaten, make greater, make larger. 2. Enhance, raise, advance, heighten, add to. 3. Extend, prolong. 4. Aggravate, intensify. Increase, n.
1. Augmentation, enlargement, extension, expansion, growth, addition, accession, increment. 2. Product, produce, gain, profit. 3. Offspring, issue, progeny, descendants.