Inflation, n.
1. Swelling (by air), distension, expansion, blowing up. 2. Conceit, conceitedness, self-conceit, self-sufficiency, self-complacency, self-importance, vain-gloriousness,
vain-glory. 3. Increase, enlargement. 4. (Com.) Over-enlargement (of currency), over-issue. Inflect, v. a.
1. Bend, bow, curve, turn from a direct line. 2. (Gram.) Decline (a noun or an adjective), conjugate (a verb), vary the terminations of. Inflection, n.
1. Bending, curvature, bend, curvity, flexure, crook. 2. (Gram.) Variation (in declension or in conjugation), accidence; declension, conjugation, and comparison. 3. (Music and Elocution.) Modulation (of the voice). Inflexibility, n.
1. Stiffness, inflexibleness. 2. Pertinacity, doggedness, stubbornness, obstinacy. 3. Firmness, resolution, perseverance, tenacity of purpose. Inflexible, a.
1. Stiff, rigid. 2. Pertinacious, dogged, stubborn, obstinate, unyielding, refractory, headstrong, wilful, cantankerous,
intractable, heady, obdurate, cross-grained. 3. Firm, resolute, steadfast, immovable, persevering.