Insecure, a.
1. Uncertain, not sure, risky. 2. Uncertain, not confident. 3. Unsafe, unprotected, ill-protected, exposed, exposed to risk or danger, in danger. 4. Dangerous, hazardous, perilous. 5. Unstable, infirm, weak, shaking, tottering. Insecurity, n.
1. Uncertainty, risk, riskiness. 2. Danger, hazard, peril. 3. Dangerousness, hazardousness, perilousness. 4. Instability, weakness, tottering condition or character. Insensate, a.
1. Dull, torpid, indifferent, insensible. 2. Stupid, senseless, foolish, destitute of sense. 3. Inanimate, insentient, unconscious, insensible, unperceiving, non-percipient, destitute of sensation or