Irregular, a.
1. Anomalous, abnormal, anomalistic, unusual, unconformable, aberrant, exceptional, eccentric, erratic,
devious. 2. Uncertain, unpunctual, capricious, desultory, fitful, variable, changeable. 3. Immethodical, disordered, disorderly. 4. Unsymmetrical, uneven. 5. Disorderly, dissolute, loose, immoral, wild. Irregularity, n.
1. Aberration, abnormity, anomaly, anomalousness, singularity. 2. Uncertainty, capriciousness, variableness, changeableness. 3. Want of method, lack of order. 4. Lack of symmetry. 5. Immorality, laxity, looseness, disorderliness, dissoluteness, wildness. Irrelevancy, n. Inapplicability, impertinency, non-pertinency.
Irrelevant, a. Inapplicable, impertinent, aside from the point, foreign to the purpose, not bearing upon
the point in question, having nothing to do with the matter, travelling out of the record.
Irreligion, n. Impiety, ungodliness.
Irreligious, a.
1. Ungodly, undevout. 2. Profane, impious, wicked. Irremediable, a.
1. Irreparable, irrecoverable, remediless, beyond correction, beyond redress, past mending. 2. Incurable, remediless, immedicable, irremedicable, hopeless, irrecoverable, beyond cure.