2. Conduct, direct, escort, go before as guide. 3. Head, be at the head of, precede. 4. Surpass, excel, have the lead of, take the lead of, outstrip, be in advance of. 5. Allure, entice, induce, persuade, draw, prevail on. 6. Pass, spend. Lead, v. n.
1. Show the way (by going before). 2. Be the commander (as of troops). 3. Conduce, contribute, tend, serve. Lead, n.
1. Guidance, direction, leadership. 2. Precedence. Lead captive.
1. Carry into captivity, capture. 2. Captivate, fascinate, overpower. Leader, n.
1. Guide, director, conductor, corypheus, choregus. 2. Chief, chieftain, commander. 3. Superior, victor, dominator, corypheus, cock of the walk, ruler of the roost, first fiddle. Leadership, n.
1. Guidance, direction, lead, conduct.