3. Animated existence, living beings. 4. Mode or course of living, manner of life, course, career. 5. Conduct, deportment, behavior. 6. Animation, vigor, spirit, vivacity, alertness, briskness, sprightliness, activity, energy. 7. Biography, memoir. 8. Real person, living form. 9. Society, social manners, human affairs, course of things. Lifeless, a.
1. Dead, defunct, extinct, inanimate. 2. Torpid, sluggish, inert, dull, tame, spiritless, passive. Lift, v. a. Raise, elevate, lift up.
Lift, n.
1. Lifting, raising. 2. (Colloq.) Aid, assistance, help. 3. Rise (as of a lock in canals), degree of elevation. 4. Elevator. Lift-lock, n. Lock (of a canal).
Ligament, n. Band, ligature.
Ligature, n.
1. Band, bandage, ligament, tie. 2. Binding, tying.