Like, ad.
1. In the manner of, in the same manner as. 2. Likely, probably. Like, v. a.
1. Approve, be pleased with, take pleasure in, find to ones mind, taste, or fancy. 2. Relish, enjoy, be fond of. 3. Esteem, fancy, have a regard for, take a liking to, take to, take a fancy to. Like, v. n. Choose, prefer, elect, wish, list, think fit, be pleased.
Likelihood, n. Probability, verisimilitude.
Likely, a.
1. Probable, credible. 2. In a fair way, to be expected. 3. Pleasing, agreeable, likable, that may be liked. 4. Suitable, well-adapted, well-suited, convenient. Liken, v. a. Compare, show the resemblance of.
Likeness, n.
1. Resemblance, similarity, similitude, semblance, form, external appearance. 2. Copy, facsimile, counterpart, image, representation, portrait, effigy. Likewise, ad. Also, too, besides, moreover, furthermore, in addition, to boot, in like manner.
Liking, n.
1. Fondness, partiality, desire, wish. 2. Inclination, disposition, tendency, turn, leaning, bias, bent, propensity, proclivity, proneness, predisposition,
appetency, penchant.