Lose ground.
1. Fall behind. 2. Decline, lose credit. Lose heart. Despair, be discouraged, give up hope.
Lose ones heart. Fall in love.
Lose ones self.
1. Be bewildered. 2. Slumber, fall asleep. Losing, n. Loss.
Loss, n.
1. Privation, deprivation, forfeiture. 2. Forfeiture, failure to win. 3. Destruction, overthrow, damage, detriment, ruin, defeat, injury, damage, disadvantage. 4. Waste, squandering. Lost, a.
1. Missing, not to be found. 2. Forfeited, missed. 3. Misspent, wasted, squandered, dissipated, thrown away. 4. Bewildered, confused, perplexed, puzzled, distracted. 5. Abstracted, preoccupied, absent, absentminded, dreamy, napping. 6. Depraved, corrupt, abandoned, profligate, dissolute, reprobate, graceless, shameless, obdurate, hardened,
incorrigible, irreclaimable.