Mound, n.

    1. Hillock, knoll, hill.
    2. Rampart, bulwark, defence.

Mount, n. [Used before a proper name and in poetry.] Mountain, high hill.

Mount, v. n.

    1. Rise, ascend, arise, uprise, soar, go up, rise on high.
    2. Tower, rise, be built up.
    3. Get on horseback.
    4. Amount, attain in value, count up.

Mount, v. a.

    1. Ascend, climb, scale, escalade, get upon.
    2. Put or raise (upon something).
    3. Embellish, cover with ornaments.
    4. (Mil.) Carry, be furnished with.
    5. Prepare, make ready.
    6. Get upon, bestride.

Mountain, n. Mount, high hill, vast eminence.

Mountain-ash, n. [European.] Rowan-tree, quicken-tree, fowler’s service-tree, quick-beam, roan-tree (Pyrus aucuparia or Sorbus aucuparia).

Mountain-laurel, n. Calico-bush, spoon-wood (Kalmia latifolia).

Mountainous, a.

    1. Full of mountains, hilly.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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