2. Be dull, be listless, be stupid, take no interest in anything, be spiritless, be gloomy. Mope-eyed, a. Short-sighted, purblind, myopic, mopsical.
Mopish, a.
1. Sad, gloomy, downcast, dejected, depressed, desponding, down-hearted, chap-fallen, melancholy,
glum, hipped, blue, cast down, in the dumps, with a long face, down in the mouth, out of sorts. 2. Dull, spiritless, listless, inattentive, stupid. Moppet, Mopsey, n.
1. Rag-baby. 2. Woolly dog. Moral, a.
1. Ethical, of morals, of ethics, regarding duties, touching obligations. 2. Accountable, bound by duty, bound to do what is right. 3. Virtuous, good, just, upright, honest, honorable. 4. Mental, intellectual, abstract, ideal. 5. Right, just, virtuous. 6. Probable, not demonstrative. Moral, n.
1. Practical application (of a fable, etc.). 2. Practical lesson (of any event). 3. Intent, meaning, significance. Moral faculty. Conscience, sense of right and wrong, moral sense.
Moralist, n. Moral philosopher.