Mother, n.

    1. Female parent.
    2. Dam (applied to a beast).
    3. Generatrix, origin, spring, source.
    4. Chief, head.

Mother, a.

    1. Native, natural.
    2. Originating.

Mother Carey’s chicken. Stormy petrel (Procel laria pelagica).

Motherly, a.

    1. Maternal.
    2. Maternal, affectionate, kind, tender, parental.

Mother-of-pearl, n. Nacre.

Mother-wit, n. Native wit, common-sense.

Mothery, a. Concreted, slimy, dreggy, feculent.

Motion, n.

    1. [Opposed to Rest.] Movement, action, passage, change of place.
    2. Port, gait, air, appropriate motion.
    3. Impulse, prompting, suggestion, mental act.
    4. Proposition (especially one made in a deliberative body), proposal.

Motionless, a. Still, quiescent, stationary, unmoved, at rest, at a stand, stock still, standing still.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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