Notice, n.
1. Note, heed, observation, regard, cognizance. 2. Information, notification, advice, news, intelligence, announcement, mention. 3. Intimation, premonition, warning, intelligence. 4. Instruction, direction, order. 5. Intimation, communication. 6. Attention, civility, consideration, respect. 7. Comments, remarks, critical review. Notice, v. a.
1. Perceive, see, become aware of, heed, regard, mark, note, observe, remark, mind, take cognizance
of. 2. Remark upon, mention, comment on. 3. Treat with attention, be civil to. Noticeable, a. Observable, worthy of notice, noteworthy.
Notification, n.
1. Information, notice, advice, intelligence, announcement. 2. Advertisement. Notify, v. a.
1. Declare, promulgate, publish, announce, advertise, make known. 2. Inform, apprise, acquaint, make known to, give notice to, signify to. Notion, n.
1. Conception, concept, universal idea, general or universal conception.