2. Dagger (in printing). Obese, a. Fat, fleshy, corpulent, stout, plump, portly, gross.
Obesity, n. Fleshiness, fatness, corpulence, corpulency, plumpness, embonpoint, obeseness.
Obfuscate, v. a.
1. Darken, cloud, obscure. 2. Bewilder, confuse, muddle. Obit, n.
1. Funeral rite, obsequies. 2. Death, decease. Obituary, n. Necrology.
Object, n.
1. Thing, reality, particular, existence, fact, phenomenon, percept, thing perceived, external reality. 2. Mark, aim, target, butt; goal, end, destination; recipient, correlate, or complement (of a conscious
subject). 3. End, aim, intent, intention, purpose, design, motive, use, view, drift, goal, final cause. 4. (Gram.) Regimen, complement. Objection, n. Exception, difficulty, doubt, scruple.
Objectionable, a. Exceptionable.
Objective, a.
1. Belonging to or characterizing the object (as distinguished from the subject). 2. Outward, external, real, actual, positive, true, unconditional, universal, non-subjective, free from subjective
limits. 3. Absorbed in objects, non-introversive, free from introversion, wholly occupied with the object or fact,
that tells things as they are, that does not color facts, that paints things in their own light, extroitive (rare).