2. Talk, conversation, conference, colloquy.

Pale, a.

    1. White, pallid, wan, ashy, whitish, colorless.
    2. Dim, obscure.

Pale, n.

    1. Picket, stake.
    2. Enclosure, circuit.
    3. District, region, territory.
    4. Confine, limit, boundary, fence.

Paleology, n. Archæology.

Palfrey, n. Saddle-horse, riding-horse.

Paling, n.

    1. Fence (made of pales).
    2. Limit, enclosure.

Palingenesis, n. [Gr.] Palingenesy, regeneration, second birth, new birth.

Palinode, n. Poetical recantation.

Pall, n.

    1. Cloak, mantle, outer garment.
    2. Pallium, archbishop’s scarf.
    3. [Written also Pawl and Paul.] Detent, click.

Pall, v. a.

    1. Make vapid or insipid.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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