Perforation, n.
1. Pertusion, piercing. 2. Hole, aperture, opening, orifice. Perforce, ad. By force, by violence, violently, of necessity, absolutely, by compulsion, forcibly.
Perform, v.a.
1. Do, execute, effect, accomplish, achieve, compass, bring about, bring to pass, work out, transact. 2. Observe, fulfil, meet, discharge, satisfy, complete, adhere to, be faithful to, comply with, act up to,
execute. 3. Act, represent, play, sustain a part, support a character. 4. Play, execute. Performance, n.
1. Accomplishment, execution, completion, doing, consummation, achievement. 2. Action, deed, act, achievement, exploit, feat, work. 3. Composition, literary work, production, work. 4. Acting, exhibition of character on the stage, entertainment, exhibition, play, representation. 5. Playing, execution. Performer, n.
1. Doer, operator, executor, agent. 2. Actor, player, stage-player. 3. Musician, player.