Platter, n. Large dish, plate.

Plaudit, n. Applause, acclamation, clapping of hands, acclaim, shout of approbation.

Plauditory, a. Applauding, commending.

Plausible, a.

    1. Specious, colorable, seemingly fair.
    2. Fair-spoken, glib, using specious arguments.

Play, v. n.

    1. Sport, disport, frolic, skip, frisk, gambol, revel, romp, caper, make merry, make fun.
    2. Trifle, toy, wanton, dally.
    3. Hover, flutter, sport, wave.
    4. Game, gambler.
    5. Act (on the stage), take a part, personate a character.
    6. Perform.
    7. Act, operate, work freely.
    8. Do, act, behave.

Play, v. a.

    1. Put in action, put in operation.
    2. Perform.
    3. Put down, exhibit, use in playing, move.
    4. Compete, engage in play.
    5. Perform on, play on or upon.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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