2. Scheme, project, system, method, device, design, contrivance, proposal, proposition. 3. Method, process, way, custom. Plan, v. a.
1. Delineate, figure, represent, mark out, chalk out, sketch out. 2. Devise, contrive, scheme, project, plot, invent, design, concoct, digest, lay out, prepare, hatch. Plane, a. Level, flat, even, smooth, plain.
Planetarium, n. Orrery.
Plane-tree, n.
1. Platan, platane (Platanus orientalis). 2. [U. S.] Sycamore, button-tree, button-woods, button-ball-tree, water-beech (Platanus occidentalis). 3. [Scotland.] Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus). Plant, n. Vegetable.
Plant, v. a.
1. Put in the ground (as seed). 2. Set in the ground (as a shrub). 3. Furnish with plants. 4. Engender, breed. 5. Set, direct, point. 6. Settle, furnish inhabitants to. 7. Introduce, establish. 8. Fix, establish, settle, found.