6. Part, special character, assumed position. Qualm, n.
1. Throe, pang, agony, sudden attack. 2. Sickness (of the stomach), nausea. 3. Twinge (of conscience), scruple, uneasiness, compunction, remorse. Qualmish, a. Sick (at the stomach), inclined to vomit, queasy, nauseated.
Quandary, n. Difficulty, perplexity, doubt, puzzle, uncertainty, embarrassment, bewilderment, nonplus,
strait, dilemma, pickle, predicament.
Quantity, n.
1. Size, greatness, extent, measure. 2. Amount, aggregate, bulk, sum. 3. Length, duration. 4. (Log.) Category, universal predicament, general conception. Quantum sufficit. [L.] Enough, sufficient.
Quarrel, n.
1. Brawl, feud, affray, fray, tumult, contention, altercation, tiff, misunderstanding, wrangle, contest, squabble,
broil, jar, breach, rupture, dispute, difference, disagreement, dissension, bickering, quarrelling, strife,
breeze, falling out, variance. 2. Dispute, contest, open variance, breach of concord. 3. Objection, ill-will. Quarrel, v. n.
1. Wrangle, scold, altercate, squabble, bicker, brawl, dispute, spar, jangle, fall out, have words, have an
altercation, be at variance. 2. Scuffle, squabble, fight.