Reddition, n.
1. Restitution, restoration, rendition, surrender. 2. Explanation, representation. Reddle, n. Red-chalk.
Redeem, v. a.
1. Repurchase, buy back, regain, retrieve. 2. Ransom, free, liberate, save, rescue. 3. Deliver, recover, rescue, save. 4. Compensate, recompense, make amends for, atone for. 5. Fulfil, keep, discharge, make good, perform. 6. Improve, employ well. Redeemable, a. Recoverable, retrievable.
Redeemer, n.
1. Ransomer. 2. [With The prefixed.] Christ, Jesus, Immanuel, Emmanuel, the Saviour, the Messiah, the Mediator,
the Intercessor, the Advocate, the Judge, the Anointed, the Word, the Son of God, the Son of David, the
Lamb of God, Shiloh, the Prince of Peace, the Bread of Life, the Sun of Righteousness, the Lord,Light
of the World, the Good Shepherd, the Way, the Truth, the Life. Redemption,
1. Repurchase, retrieval, recovery. 2. Ransom, release, liberation, deliverance, rescue, salvation. 3. Performance, discharge, fulfilment. Red-eye, n. (ich) Rud (Leuciscus erthophthalmus). Red-gum n. (Med) Gum-rash, tooth-rash. Reintegrate
v. n. Restore, renew, reconstitute, re-estblish, reconstruct, renovate.