Regulate, v. a.
1. Methodize, dispose, adjust, arrange, order, systematize, reduce to method, adjust by rule, put in order,
keep in order. 2. Direct, order, manage, govern, conduct, guide, rule. Regulation, n.
1. Adjustment, disposition, disposure, disposal, ordering, arrangement. 2. Rule, order, law, precept. Regurgitate, v. n. Flow back, be poured back.
Regurgitation, n.
1. Flowing back, reflux, refluence. 2. Reabsorption. Rehabilitate, v. a.
1. Reinstate (in a former right or privilege), re-establish, restore, qualify again. 2. Re-establish, restore, renew, reinvigorate, reinstate, redintegrate, renovate, reconstruct, reconstitute,
restore to former vigor and splendor. Rehabilitation, n.
1. Reinstatement (in a former right or privilege), restoration, re-establishment, reinvestiture. 2. Instauration, restoration to former power and splendor, renewal, renovation, redintegration, reconstitution,
revivification, reinvigoration. Rehearsal, n.
1. Repetition, recital. 2. Narration, narrative, statement, relation, telling, recounting, account, story, history. Rehearse, v. a.
1. Repeat, recite.