Remedial, a. Curing, healing, sanatory, sanative, corrective.
Remediless, a.
1. Incurable, irremediable, cureless, desperate, hopeless, past cure. 2. Irreparable, irretrievable, irreclaimable, irrecoverable, irreversible, hopeless, past mending, past hope. 3. Ineffectual, powerless, incapable. Remedy, n.
1. Cure, antidote, specific, restorative, help, medicine, corrective, counteractive. 2. Reparation, redress, restoration, restitution, counteraction. 3. Relief, aid, help, assistance. Remedy, v. a.
1. Cure, heal, help. 2. Repair, redress, restore. Remember, v. a.
1. Recall, recollect, call to mind, call up, call to remembrance, have at ones fingers ends, know by heart. 2. Retain, bear in mind, keep in mind, bear in memory, preserve the memory of, treasure in the memory,
tax the memory with. Remembrance, n.
1. Reminiscence, recollection, calling to mind, revival in the mind. 2. Memory. 3. Memento, memorial, remembrancer, token, keepsake, souvenir. 4. Monument, memorial. 5. Thought, regard, consideration.